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Garden Chimineas

Garden Chimineas

Browse our Garden Chimineas in various sizes, styles and materials. We have traditional clay chimineas ideal for heating any outdoor area used for socializing or entertaining friends and family.

We also sell Steel and Cast Iron Chimineas that are very popular today as there is a wide range of styles and designs available. If you are looking for a more modern or contemporary chiminea, then a steel or iron chiminea may be better for your garden.

The best fuel for your chiminea is wood, any type of wood, as long as it’s dry! Just remember to put a good layer of sand in the bottom of the chiminea and let it settle to protect the base of the chiminea. Don’t forget that chimineas are also ideal for cooking on too. You can easily rustle up some tasty hot snacks for the family to enjoy in no time on your new garden chiminea.

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